Thursday, June 14, 2007

International Festival of Cinema and Religion

A journey in the differences, born in Trento in 1998 as the first cinematographic festival focused on inter-faith dialogue, the International Festival of Cinema and Religion,

"Religion Today" this year will reach its tenth edition.

Through cinema and art, Religion Today during the past years has undertaken a "Journey in the differences" to deepen our 'faith' and to build bridges for a dialogue between men and women of different religions.

The journey of the Festival, hence, becomes a challenge to listen and an invitation to not banalize and confuse, but to promote a richness of differences that no 'easy dialogue' logic can ignore or guiltily do away with. Within this general theme, every year the Festival depicts a subject to help in the investigation on the different approaches of faiths and cultures.

For the tenth edition, the theme is:
"Compassion - conflict and compassion in the paths of the faith",
For 2008 film makers are invited to work on "The scandal of evil".

Besides the cinematographic contest, RT offers cinematographic professionals and experts of different faiths and nationalities a 'workshop of cohabitation'. Moreover, RT organizes international workshops, exhibits, shows, and meetings for the schools.

In the wandering spirit that has been one of its distictive features since the beginning, the Festival, during the past nine years has travelled through Italy reaching also London, Jerusalem, Teheran, Timor and Zamosc, is now going to celebrate its tenth birthday with a dense program distributed over Trento, Rome, Milan, Bozen, Ferrara, Arco (TN) and Nomadelfia (GR).



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