Thursday, February 01, 2007

Peace and Conflict Resolution - European University Center

at the European University Center for Peace Studies (EPU),
Stadtschlaining, Austria
Tel +43-3355-2498-515.
We wish to invite you to join a select group of 44 students from around the world in an intensive course in peace and conflict studies at the European University Center for Peace Studies (EPU) in Stadtschlaining, Austria. All the courses are taught in English, by leading specialists in their field from around the world, including Johan Galtung, one of the founders of the academic discipline of peace research and frequent mediator in international conflicts. Studying with the founder of a new academic discipline is a rare opportunity, like studying physics with Isaac Newton. EPU offers students a well-rounded program covering Peace with Security, Development, Freedom, Nature and Culture.

The Program, established in 1988 by Dr. Gerald Mader, Founder and President of the Austrian Study Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution, received the 1995 UNESCO Prize for Peace Education.

In addition to attending courses, students get to know each other closely and conclude friendships for a lifetime. In spring of 2006, we had 42 students from 29 countries from five continents, half from Africa, Asia and Latin America. Many former students said that studying at EPU was the best time of their life. Peace Studies are a highly interdisciplinary and growing academic field. Students who have successfully completed our program are well grounded in both theory and practice to face the challenges of global conflict transformation. We are happy and proud that many of our former students now have thriving careers in international organizations, NGOs, businesses, universities, or work with their governments.

WHY STUDY AT EPU? We offer a number of advantages, among them: -EPU has a comprehensive program that covers ALL aspects of peace. -EPU combines theory with practical experience. Our professors work on practical applications in the field as well as on theory. -You live in a close community with people from all over the world. -EPU offers one of the oldest peace studies programs in Europe.

TOPICS INCLUDE: Introduction to Peace Studies, Peaceful Conflict Transformation, Mediation, Peacebuilding, Demilitarization, Nonviolence, Security, United Nations Reform, the Global Economy, Development, Human Rights, Governance and Participation, International Law, Safeguarding a Livable Environment, Cross-Cultural Communication, Peace Education, Peace and the Media, Reconciliation after Violence, Peace and Deep Culture. In addition, there are several academic excursions. A course calendar is listed below. For a more detailed explanation of the program and a catalogue with course descriptions, see
Fall term 2007: 30. Sept. - 22. December (Apply by 15 Apr. 2007) Spring term 2008: 3. February - 26. April (Apply by 15 Sep. 2007) Summer term 2008: 1. June - 23. August (Apply by 15 Jan. 2008)

LOCATION: Stadtschlaining is a beautiful, small and quiet medieval town with a 766-year old castle hosting a peace museum, in the foothills of the Alps, between Vienna and Graz, surrounded by hiking trails, with a hot spring and spa nearby. Classrooms and 44 single rooms with private bath are located in a new building.

PEACE LIBRARY: next to the castle is a famous peace library with 25,000 books and many films, most of them in English.

WHO SHOULD APPLY: Students from any discipline interested in peace and conflict resolution, young diplomats, government officials, NGO members, teachers, journalists, lawyers, social workers, officers, psychologists, and anyone interested in solving conflicts by peaceful means. A first university degree (bachelors or equivalent) is required, and preferably some professional experience.

DEGREES: Those who successfully complete one trimester obtain a Certificate in Peace and Conflict Studies. Those who complete three trimesters (Fall, Spring and Summer) and write a thesis obtain a Master of Arts in Peace and Conflict Studies, approved by the Austrian Ministry of Education. Students can begin in any of the three trimesters. The three trimesters need not be taken in succession, they can be spread over several years if preferred.

COSTS: Euro 2500 tuition + Euro 1400 room rent per trimester, plus a Euro 700 fee for two thesis advisers for the Master of Arts program, or 12'400 Euro for the entire MA program. A few full scholarships for MA students are available for applicants from focal countries of Austria's development cooperation. Some partial scholarships are also available. You can indicate on the application form if you wish to apply for one of those scholarships. For those who can pay all or part of their tuition or raise funding from other sources, the chances of being accepted are higher than for those who apply for a full scholarship.

FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TO APPLY: see, and click on "European University Center for Peace Studies", second on the left. If you have further questions, please contact Anita Flasch, EPU Administrative Assistant , Tel +43-3355-2498-515 (mornings). We will be happy to answer your questions and help you.
EPU does not discriminate on the basis of (among others) gender, race, class, age or national origin.
With best regards, Dietrich Fischer, Academic Director, EPU
Here is the EPU Course Schedule for 2007-2008
During some weeks, two courses are offered, one in the morning and one in the afternoon (each counting 2.5 credits of the European Credit Transfer System, ECTS), and during some other weeks only one course, meeting mornings and afternoons (counting 5 credits). Students are required to take 30 credits per trimester, but are welcome to listen to more courses it they wish. All courses are open to students in both the Masters and Certificate programs. For course descriptions and lecturers biographical notes:
morning = 09:00-10:30 and 11:00-12:30 afternoon = 14:00-15:30 and 16:00-17:30
Seminars are every Wednesday 18:30 - 20:00, followed by a reception Films are shown every Tuesday and Saturday at 20:00
FIRST TRIMESTER (30. September - 22. December 2007): Direct Peace
Week 1: 1-5 October mornings and afternoons Orientation for New Students and Formulation of Study Goals Fred Dubee, MA, United Nations, New York; Kaarina Dubee, MA, Goeteborg, Sweden; Mia Toerrissen, Sweden
Week 2: 8-12 October mornings Introduction to Peace Studies Dr. Zarko Puhovski, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Week 2: 8-12 October afternoons Peace and Business Fred Dubee, MA, Global Compact, United Nations, New York
Week 3: 15-19 October mornings Working for Peace in Conflict Zones Robert Rivers, MA, ARCA Project Co-Coordinator, PATRIR, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Week 3: 15-19 October afternoons Theories and Methodologies in Peace Studies Dr. Ronald H. Tuschl, Research Director, EPU
Week 4: 22-26 October mornings Nonviolence: From Philosophy to Practical Tool Prof. Jorgen Johansen, Centre for Peace and Reconciliation Studies, Coventry University, UK
Week 4: 22-26 October afternoons Social Justice and Equity in Education Dr. Diane Ross, Otterbein College, Westerville, Ohio, USA
Week 5: 29 October-2 November mornings Nonmilitary Approaches to Security Dr. Dietrich Fischer, Academic Director and Student Adviser, EPU
Week 5: 29 October-2 November afternoons Violence, Security and Demilitarization Prof. Biljana Vankovska, St. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia
Week 6: 5-9 November mornings Human Security: Health and Environment Dr. Alexander Lautensach, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Week 6: 5-9 November afternoons Human Security: Civil Society and Economy Dr. Sabina Lautensach, Editor, Australasian Journal of Human Security, Univ. of Auckland, New Zealand
Week 7: 12-16 November mornings Terrorism: Its Causes and Prevention Dr. Robin Poulton, Virginia Commonwealth University and University of Richmond, USA
Week 7: 12-16 November afternoons Overcoming the Domination System Dr. Jori Manske, Interim Executive Director, The Center for Nonviolent Communication, Santa Barbara, California, USA
Week 8: 19-23 November mornings Transition from Civil War to Peace Dr. Vinya Ariyaratne, President, Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement, Sri Lanka
Week 8: 19-23 November afternoons The European Union as a Peace Force Dr. Lutz Schrader, Editor, Welt Trends, Univ. of Hagen, Germany
Week 9: 26-30 November mornings and afternoons Peaceful Conflict Transformation Dr. Johan Galtung, Professor of Peace Studies, Director, TRANSCEND, a Peace and Development Network, Versonnex, France
Week 10-11: 3-14 December mornings Governance and Participation Dr. Tilman Evers, University Lecturer, Kassel, Germany
Week 10: 3-7 December afternoons Gender and Peace Gal Harmat, MA, Tel Aviv, Israel
Week 11: 10-14 December afternoons Negotiation, Mediation and Reconciliation Stella Sabiiti, Director, Center for Conflict Resolution (CECORE), Kampala, Uganda
Week 12: 17-21 December mornings Arms Control and Disarmament Bernardo Mariani, Project Manager, International Arms Transfer
Week 12: 17-21 December afternoons Structures of Peace Dr. James Calleja, Administrative Director, Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology
SECOND TRIMESTER (3. Feb. - 26. April 2008): Structural Peace
Week 1: 4-8 February mornings and afternoons A Life-Sustaining Economy Dr. Johan Galtung, Professor of Peace Studies, Director, TRANSCEND, a Peace and Development Network, Versonnex, France
Week 2: 11-12 February mornings and afternoons Second Trimester Orientation Brittney Menzel, MA, Utah, USA
Week 2: 13-15 February mornings and afternoons Introduction to Structural Peace Brittney Menzel, MA, Utah, USA
Week 3: 18-22 February mornings Peace and the Global Economy Dr. Georg Frerks, Centre for Conflict Studies, Utrecht University
Week 3: 18-22 February afternoons Imagining Cultures of Peace: Research Methodology, Writing, Praxis Prof. Myler Wilkinson, Mir Centre for Peace, Selkirk College, Castlegar, British Columbia, Canada
Week 4: 25-29 February mornings and afternoons Peacebuilding: from the Local to the Global Level Kai Frithjof Brand-Jacobsen, MA, Director, Peace Action, Training and Research Institute of Romania, PATRIR, Cluj-Napoca
Week 5: 3-7 March mornings and afternoons Human Rights Dr. Walter Suntinger, International Consultant on Human Rights, Vienna
Week 6: 10-14 March mornings and afternoons Working for Peace in Conflict Zones: Training for Trainers Gal Harmat, MA, Kibbutzim College of Education, Tel Aviv, Israel, and Robert Rivers, MA, ARCA Project Co-Coordinator, PATRIR, and Nonviolent Peace Force Trainer, Cluj, Romania
Week 7: 17-21 March mornings Democratization Professor Paul D. Scott, Kansai Gaidai University, Osaka, Japan
Week 7: 17-21 March afternoons Conflict Transformation and Deep Culture Dr. Wilfried Graf and Mag. Gudrun Kramer, Institute for Integrative Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding (IICP), Vienna
Week 8: 24-28 March mornings and afternoons Introduction to Conflict-Free Conflict Resolution Dr. Roshan P. Danesh, lawyer and consultant on conflict 5
Week 9: 31 March-1 April mornings and afternoons, 2 April morning Introduction to Education for Peace Dr. Hossain B. Danesh, President, Education for Peace International
Week 9: 2 April afternoon, 3-4 April mornings and afternoons Peace and Schools Synove Faldalen, The Social Pedagogic College, Norway
Week 10: 7-11 April mornings and afternoons Crises Prevention, Intervention, Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Reconciliation Dr. S. P. Udayakumar, Director, South Asian Community Center for Education and Research, Nagercoil, India
Week 11: 14-18 April mornings and afternoons The Design, Management and Evaluation of Peace Projects and their Context Dr. Bernd Baumgartl, International Consultant on Administrative Reforms, Education, Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation, Vienna
Week 12: 21-25 April mornings Global Civil Society and Global Governance Dr. Jody Jensen, Institute for Social and European Studies, Koszeg, Hungary
Week 12: 21-25 April afternoons Conclusion Dr. Diane Hendrick, Consultant, Trainer and Researcher in Conflict Transformation, Vienna
THIRD TRIMESTER (1. June - 23. August 2008): Cultural Peace
Week 1: 2-3 June mornings and afternoons, 4 June morning Conflict Mitigation, with case studies Dr. Jan Oberg, Denmark, Director, Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research, Lund, Sweden
Week 1: 4 June afternoon, 5-6 June mornings and afternoons Cross-Cultural Communication and Conflict Transformation Dr. Diane Hendrick, Consultant, Trainer and Researcher in Conflict Transformation, Vienna
Week 2: 9-10 June mornings and afternoons, 11 June morning Global Mass Media, Information Warfare and Cyberwar Dr. Ronald H. Tuschl, Research Director, EPU
Week 2: 11 June afternoon, 12-13 June mornings and afternoons Mediation Dr. Sara Rozenblum de Horowitz, Univ. of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Week 3: 16-20 June mornings Sufism and Peace Ms. Mussarrat Bashir Youssuf, MPhil, MA, Independent Consultant to the World Bank and the United Nations, Islamabad, Pakistan
Week 3: 16-20 June afternoons Utopias of Peace in Literature Dr. Laszlo W. Farkas, EPU Faculty, Szombathely, Hungary
Week 4: 23-27 June mornings Peace Education Andria Wisler, MA, Columbia University, New York
Week 4: 23-27 June afternoons African Resources and Obstacles for Peace Prof. Saibou Issa, Centre for Peace Studies, Department of History, University of Ngaoundere, Cameroon
Week 5: 30 June-2 July mornings and afternoons Introduction to Nonviolent Communication (REQUIRED!) Eva Rambala, Certified Trainer in Nonviolent Communication, Budapest, Hungary
Week 5: 3-4 July mornings and afternoons Nonviolent Communication (REQUIRED!) Dr. Marshall Rosenberg, Center for Nonviolent Communication, Moehlin, Switzerland
Week 6: 7-11 July mornings Gender in Peace Support Operations Ina Curic, MA, Peace Action, Training and Research Institute of Romania, PATRIR, Cluj-Napoca
Week 6: 7-11 July afternoons Negotiation Dr. Raymond Saner, Centre for Socio-Eco-Nomic Development (CSEND), Geneva, Switzerland
Week 7: 14-18 July mornings and afternoons Deep Culture, Conflict Culture and Conciliation (REQUIRED!) Dr. Johan Galtung, Professor of Peace Studies, Director, TRANSCEND, A Peace and Development Network, Versonnex, France
Week 8: 21-25 July mornings and afternoons International Law and World Order Dr. Richard Falk, Visiting Distinguished Professor in Global and International Studies at the University of California at Santa Barbara, USA
Week 9: 28 July-1 August mornings Culture and Conflict Dr. Marc Howard Ross, William Rand Kenan, Jr., Professor of Political Science at Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, USA
Week 9: 28 July-1 August afternoons Religions and Peace Dr. Kamran Mofid, Founder, Inter-faith Perspective on Globalization for the Common Good, Coventry
Week 10: 4-8 August mornings Conflict Analysis and Resolution Dr. Cheshmak Farhoumand-Sims, St. Paul University, Canada
Week 11: 11-15 August mornings Peacebuilding in Conflict Zones Crina Resteman, MA, Nonviolent Peace Force, Sri Lanka, and PATRIR, Romania
Week 11: 11-15 August afternoons Peace Journalism Annabel McGoldrick and Jake Lynch, Center for Peace and Conflict Studies, Universty of Sidney, Australia
Week 12: 18-22 August mornings Conclusion Fred Dubee, MA, United Nations, New York


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Influence can be defined as the power exerted over the minds and behavior of others. A power that can affect, persuade and cause changes to someone or something. In order to influence people, you first need to discover what is already influencing them. What makes them tick? What do they care about? We need some leverage to work with when we’re trying to change how people think and behave.

11:08 PM  
Blogger ahmed said...

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12:37 AM  
Blogger ahmed said...

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12:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I participated of the Mediation with Dr. Sara Rozenblum de Horowitz, it was very interesting!
do you know when will she go back to argentina? because Iam looking for one of the Buenos Aires hotels wich are placed in Capital Federal so I could be near.

7:37 AM  

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