Saturday, December 29, 2007

Educational Resource - A New Website:

A New Website on Zarathushti Lore
from January 1, 2008
Dr. Homi Dhalla

The soul of the earth complained to the Creator that it was being oppressed by violence, savagery and cruelty and it needed a protector. In response to this call, Prophet Zarathushtra was deputed to bring about order in the prevalent chaos. It was this that moved Rabindranath Tagore to remark: “He was the watcher in the night who stood on the lonely peak facing the East and broke out singing the paens of light to the sleeping world when the sun came out on the brim of the horizon”.

Although the Prophet spread his message in the distant past, his legacy lives on. The moral vision, which he has bequeathed, is timeless. His message as taught in the Gathas brought forth ideas that not only changed the stream of human thought but influenced the most important concepts in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. This spirit of the Gathas has also been echoed in the Avestan and Pahlavi literature.

The Pahlavi texts are an integral and important part of Zarathushti literature. This literature throws significant light on the practice of Zoroastrianism in Sasanian and post-Sasanian times. A crucial part of this literature is wisdom literature. This form was evidently an important vehicle to impart knowledge to children as well as adults. Those Pahlavi texts dealing with this aspect are known as ‘Andarz’ and may also be termed as wisdom literature. The Pahlavi term ‘Andarz’ means, “counsel, advice, maxim, admonition or teaching”. These are admonitions of sages, learned priests and ministers.

Hence, my intention in launching this website is to bring the inspiring message of the Gathas as well as other maxims and admonitions from later literature to the common man. Every time you visit this website, a new thought would be projected from this vast moral storehouse. They are pregnant with Zarathushti values and hence would provide guidance to us in our daily lives.

You could access this website by logging onto from January 1, 2008.


Tuesday, December 18, 2007

In God's Name: December 23rd 2007

In God's Name

A 2 hour prime-time special

on the evening of Sunday 23rd December 2007

will feature 12 prominent religious leaders

from around the world.

In alphabetical order, they are:

Alexei II, Patriarch of Moscow and head of the Russian Orthodox Church
Amma (Mata Amritanandamayi), a Hindu spiritual leader
Pope Benedict XVI, head of the Roman Catholic Church
The Dalai Lama (Tenzin Gyatso), spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhists
Ayatollah Muhammad Hussein Fadlallah, a prominent Shi'ite Muslim leader
Bishop Mark Hanson, Presiding Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and President of the Lutheran World Federation
Michihisa Kitashirakawa, Jingu Daiguji (High Priest) of the Shinto Grand Shrine of Ise
Yona Metzger, Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel
Dr. Frank Page, President of the Southern Baptist Convention
Muhammad Sayyed Tantawi, Sheikh of Al-Azhar and a prominent Sunni Muslim leader
Joginder Singh Vedanti, Jathedar of the Akal Takht, the Sikhs' highest authority
Dr. Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury and head of the Church of England
In total, these leaders represent faiths with over 4 billion believers.

These excerpts from CBS Entertainment's press release:

"IN GOD'S NAME, a CBS primetime special produced in association with the acclaimed French filmmakers Jules and Gedeon Naudet, will explore the complex questions of our time through the intimate thoughts and beliefs of 12 of the world's most influential spiritual leaders. These diverse and powerful voices offer provocative, compelling and enlightening perspective on myriad issues in our post-9/11 world, including the rise of terrorism, fanaticism, intolerance and war. The two-hour special will be broadcast Sunday, Dec. 23 (9:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.

"The program marks the first time that this distinct group of leaders has appeared in one broadcast. These spiritual beacons speak out about violence and hatred and reveal their own thoughts about faith, peace, unity, tolerance and hope. Viewers will see them in intimate settings, including their homes and personal places of worship. Ultimately, through the eyes of these 12 very different religious figures, the filmmakers discover the common ground among believers around the world."

Read the complete CBS press release on the Common Tables Blog.


Saturday, December 15, 2007

Global ReLeaf - Grants Available

2008 Tree Planting Grants Available
American Forests in Search of tree planting projects
Contact: Margo Dawley, (202) 737-1944 ext.224

Global ReLeaf, a program of American Forests the nation’s oldest nonprofit citizens’ conservation organization (, is offering annual grants towards tree planting projects.

American Forests’ mission is to grow a healthier world. Global ReLeaf is American Forests' education and action program that helps individuals, organizations, agencies, and corporations improve the local and global environment by planting and caring for trees. Since it’s creation in 1988 the program has supported plantings of over 25 million trees worldwide.

The Global ReLeaf grant program provides private dollars to support local reforestation efforts and help match other funding sources. American Forests raises a dollar for every tree planted with Global ReLeaf. The dollars fund the reforestation projects. Competitive grant requests must maximize the use of total project funds per tree planted. Grants are available to support rural seedling projects restoring damaged forest ecosystems.

Further information regarding Global ReLeaf Grants including application forms and criteria can be found at:

Please forward this grant opportunity to all those partners planning 2008 plantings.

Deadlines for grant proposals are January 15th and July 1st.

If you have any questions regarding grant specifics or plan on applying for funds please contact Margo Dawley 202-737-1944 x224


Friday, December 07, 2007

May Peace Prevail on Earth -- 15th and 22nd December 2007

May Peace Prevail on Earth
The Global Link Teleconferences

Voices of global citizens from every continent calling for peace to prevail on earth will be connected Live by Teleconference. Your active prayers for peace will commune with voices from around the world to inspire, awaken and further elevate the conscious evolution of humanity. A multi-cultural, interfaith opportunity for the global heart to merge as ONE.

Two Teleconferences are scheduled in December:
A Call to Peace in the USA –Saturday, December 15th, 4pm EST, USA,in celebration of World Day of Unity and Union.

World Peace Prayer Ceremony Saturday, December 22nd, 9am EST, USA linking with the Global Celebration of a New Dawn .

Both Teleconferences will be broadcasted live by the All One Now Network webcast service. The Global Link Teleconferences are hosted by The World Peace Prayer Society.

To learn more and register please visit:
